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TPS23731: Unused soft-stop function

Guru 19575 points
Part Number: TPS23731

When unused soft-stop function, please let me know how to set I_STP pin, or the other any setting. 

Best regards,


  • Hi Satoshi,

    This pin sets the soft-stop rate. You have two options here.

    1. You can tie a very small resistor (<25kohm) to AGND. This will discharge the output cap at a fast rate and send the energy back to bulk cap.

    2. Leave this pin open, however this will make the discharge time very long. 

    You could potentially tie this directly to AGND. We have not tested this and do not know if this will cause any damage.

    Very Respectfully,

    Brandon Beader

  • Hi Beader

    Thank you for quick reply,

    Sorry for additional question,

    I considering to use third plan from your answer, too.

    When LINEUV pin connect to VB pin for unused soft-stop, is RI_STP resister value have any influence for specification?

    If yes, please let me know detailed information.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Satoshi,

    If LINEUV pin in tied to VB pin this will disable soft-stop events from occurring. In this case RI_STP will not have any influence, you can leave this pin floating.

    Very Respectfully,

    Brandon Beader