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UCD9081: Power sequencing

Part Number: UCD9081

We have selected UCD9081 for power sequencing in our design. We want to know if we manually give device reset in hardware rather than using software, how the sequence off will take place. Whether it takes place orderly in the manner we have given for sequencing or it takes place randomly. 

For monitoring the rail, if the monitoring voltage is greater than reference voltage we need to put resistor divider. Do we need to use resistor divider for monitoring 2.5V with margin of 10%, as it is mentioned as 2.5V as the reference voltage in datasheet. 

  • Hello Sathya,

    When the UCD9081 RST pin is asserted, all rails/GPOx are set to a high impedance state, so all ENs are turned off and shutdown sequence is ignored.

    The internal reference is 2.5 V, therefor that should be considered the maximum, if you want to monitor 10% above 2.5 V, a voltage divider is necessary.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.


    Samuel Gradinaru