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TPS62871-Q1: the minimum required Output capacitors

Part Number: TPS62871-Q1

Hello Ti team,

in the datasheet of TPS62871-Q1 Chapter 7.3 ,  the required minimum output capacitance is 40uF, but in chapter “ Selecting the Output Capacitors” , the required capacitance is different, the value is 203uF. 

can you please explain it ? why not  use  max ( COUT(min)(sat), COUT(min)(reg))  as the minimum required output capacitance in Chapter 7.3   but use 40uF . many thanks 

  • Hi,

    Min capacitance specified in table 7.3 is for steady load regulation and it will change according to the condition variation.

    If you plan to use certain load profile for device and need good transient performance then I would sugget to use the value calculated form section  It will provide you the capacitance value need for specific operating condition. 

    You can also use Webench for external components selection.

    Best regards, 
