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BQ51021: Register access/reset

Part Number: BQ51021

I'm having trouble with Supply Current Register 2.  The datasheet states: 

Locations 0x01 and 0x02 can be written to any time. Locations 0xE0 to 0xFF are only functional when VRECT > VUVLO. When VRECT goes below VUVLO, locations 0xE0 to 0xFF are reset.

but I'm losing access to this register when the transmitter is not powering the coil.  I could work around this but I'm also seeing the register getting reset or even read values that do not appear to be valid.  B3-B7 are not used but still labeled in the datasheet.  Do I need to read and mask the bits I want?  After I've written this register and lost power on the coil upon re-establishing power I see some of the B3-B7 bits set and the lower bits changed.  Other times they simply reset to the default: Memory Location: 0x02, Default State: 00000111 so that when charging is re-established it unexpectedly uses 100% instead of the value I programmed