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TPS7A25: Internal feedback resistor tolerances

Part Number: TPS7A25

I have a quick question regarding the internal feedback resistors on the fixed output versions of the TPS7A25. 

  • For a 5V output what are the resistor values, power ratings, and tolerances.

Best Regards, 

Nick Haneline

  • Hi Nick,

    Edgar will get to you promptly, thank you for your patience

  • Hi Nick, 

    Thank you for reaching out to us. 

    I'm still waiting on a response from our Design Team, however, the internal R1 and R2 tend to have a +-20% tolerance. 

    Can you share with us the use case of this information? Thank you


    Edgar Acosta

  • Hi Edgar, 

    Thank you for the clarification on the internal resistor tolerances. As for the use case, I'm doing a Monte Carlo simulation on the setpoint of this device for use as a 5V bias supply to another LDO. 

  • Hi Nick,

    There is no need to conduct a monte carlo simulation on TI devices where the feedback network is internal to the die.  We have the total accuracy information listed in the datasheet across DC conditions - see the snapshot below.  For this device the output voltage is +/- 1% maximum, and this tolerance is at production quantities so actual performance is typically better.  Any tolerance of the internal resistors (such as 20%) is likely initial and most definitely NOT the final tolerance as many / most LDO's are now trimmed.  You are not going to purchase and receive an LDO from TI with tolerance anywhere NEAR 20%, it will be 1% or better.



  • Hi Stephen,

    I knew 20% was probably not right, so I used 1%. The main reason I was asking for the tolerance values was to make sure my simulations are as accurate as possible. In any case, thank you for the timely response. I appreciate it.

  • Hi Nicholas, 

    In addition to Stephen's response.

    Design team responded and the bottom resistor is 12Mohm, and the maximum current that is allowed should be 5uA. Anything beyond this will damage the internals. 

    I will also correct myself with the tolerance, they did not provide a number, but this should be way tighter, and as Stephen explained the 20% should be an initial but not the final value. 


    Edgar Acosta

  • Got it. Thanks for the clarification and resistor values.