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TPS53219A: Filter capacitor on TRIP

Part Number: TPS53219A


Our customer has a question if TPS53219A works abnormally when he placed 1uF ceramic capacitor on TRIP to GND for noise suppression.

Best regards,


    TRIP operates by a small internal current source feeding a resistor to create a voltage on the TRIP pin, that pin's voltage is then used internally to generate the threshold for current limit.  Due to it's very small loop, it is generally not subject to noise, but can tolerate a small capacitance (1.0nF or less) to limit noise.

    A 1.0μF capacitor combined with the high resistance of the TRIP resistor would create a time-constant in the 10s of milliseconds, which could affect the current limit level set by the TRIP pin by delaying the rise of the TRIP voltage at power on.

    I would recommend a time-constant with the TRIP resistor of no more than 3 switching periods of the programmed switching frequency.

  • Hello,

    Thank you very much for your answer. I fully agree with your suggestion that the customer has to take care the over current event until TRIP voltage raises up to the target current limit voltage.

    Best regards,