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TPS74701: Layout Guidelines for R1 Resistor.

Part Number: TPS74701

Hi TI Team, 

Greetings of the day!

I am using LDO (TPS74701DRCR) in my design. while going through the layout guidelines, I found the statement- "To achieve optimal transient performance and accuracy, the top side of R1 in Figure 25 should be connected as close as possible to the load". 

As far as I know, I think, Voltage adjustable resistor should be placed near to the source device (LDO, in my case). But here, datasheet is suggesting to place R1 near to the LOAD (Not Source Device). 

Please help me with this. 

Thank You

Raj Kumar 

  • Hi Raj,

    The reason that this is recommended is so that the voltage the load actually sees is the one that is regulated. The voltage divider placed near the load itself causes the voltage at the load to be the voltage that is regulated. It is not a problem if you place it close to the device itself, however if the load is far away, then it might be slightly lower than the setpoint as the device is regulating at the point at which the FB node is being tapped to.

