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LM25085A: PFET Not Switching

Part Number: LM25085A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25085

I am using the LM25085A buck converter to regulate a 24-30V input (29V nominal) to a 12V output with a max load of 8A. I put my design requirements into the WEBENCH online tool and selected all external components as recommended. The only component that I chose myself was the PFET, for which I am using the DMPH6023SK3

After assembling my PCB and testing with a 29VDC power supply, I found that the output voltage is incorrect. The circuit outputs almost exactly 29V, the same as VIN. I probed the pins on the LM25085A with an oscilloscope and found that it is not switching the PFET on and off at all. The PGATE pin on the LM25085A supplies a constant voltage equal to VCC (or ~21.3V). I read in the datasheet that the output of PGATE is supposed to oscillate between VIN = 29V (PFET off) and VCC ~ 21.3V (PFET on). This is not happening and the PFET is just constantly switched on. Any help figuring out what's wrong would be much appreciated!

  • Hi Dean,

    Let me check your components to see if they are okay. Is this the same LM25085 IC as your previous network with your hand calculated values?

    Thanks for your patience,


  • Hi Dean, 

    Just to make sure, I'd check if VIN was shorted to VOUT first and if the orientation of your PFET was correct. Then please send probe voltage level of your FB node. You may have your regulator running at 100% duty cycle or your PFET is shorted.

