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UCC5870-Q1: Dead Time Hardware

Part Number: UCC5870-Q1


We note that in the case of a "TDEAD" reset, no dead time is defined (see the attached image).

In addition to the internal dead time and the STP, we would like to add an external hardware dead time of 300ns using an RC circuit.The aim is to keep this time at 300ns during the reset

Is this gate driver considering this type of function?

Best Regards


  • Hi Amadou,

    Deadtime can certainly be added externally by conditioning the input PWM signals. Generally, this is done by the MCU with the UCC5870 deadtime feature as a backup.

    One question I have for you is what exact scenario are you concerned about? The internal register setting the Deadtime should not change during active mode, and if it does the CFG_CRC_PRI fault will report.

    If UCC5870 is power cycled, or a software reset command is sent, all configuration registers will revert to default as you say. However, the driver will be disabled until the CFG_IN and DRV_EN commands are sent. This means SPI must be active, and there is an opportunity to configure the internal deadtime register.

    Let us know if this answers your question by clicking the green button, or we can further clarify as needed.

