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LM5155-Q1: Startup Circuit Simulation

Part Number: LM5155-Q1
Hi Team,

About LM5155-Q1_trans,


Copy and paste Flyback startup circuit to another sheet, and run simulation,

The following error occured:

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit 7503177933 used by X_T1 in undefined


How do I avoid the error?

Best Regards,

  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks for using the e2e forum.

    Can you try to import the model for X_T1 from the TI model library and set the parameters manually?
    This way the most up-to-date model version should be used.

    Please let me know if this fixes the error, or if you need additional help.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Niklas,

    Inquiry, I don't know where to find the TI model library.
    Please tell me the path.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Tom,

    When going to Place -> PSpice Component -> Search...
    you can open the library and search for the according part.

    If the part you are searching for is not implemented in the default library, you have two options:
    - Import an external inductor model (Manufacturers most often share PSpice models for their parts online).
    However, this will limit the probe during simulation down to 3 probes

    - Create a coupled inductor manually
    PSpice has a feature for inductor coupling (K_linear or kbreak). With this you can couple normal inductors to a transformer.
    There is more information on this feature when you go to Help -> Documentation -> select PSpice, Reference Guides, PSpice Reference Guide, Analog Devices, Coupling

    Best regards,

  • Hi Tom,

    As there were no further comments, I will close this thread for now.
    If you have any additional questions, simply reply below to re-open the thread.

    Otherwise, feel free to click on the resolved button.

    Thank you and best regards,

  • Hi Niklas,

    This problem is solved.

    Thank you for your help.

    Best Regards,