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TPS659037: TPS6590379

Part Number: TPS659037

Dear team,

We have produced a custom standalone PMIC PS board using TPS6590379

After power up we see correct voltages except VDD_CORE (SMPS7)

We have disconnected load from VDD_CORE and got correct 1.15V

When we connect 90 Ohm resistor, VDD_CORE is 0.45V (On other outputs loading works correctly)

The PMIC connection same as on AM574x industrial EVM

Please advise


  • Hi Arie,

      It looks like the point you measured the voltage has too much DCR drop ( It may be caused by poor PCB layout or cold soldering) from its output source.

      Please check the VDD_CORE output at its inductor DC side (Maybe the inductor has too much DCR) instead of the processor power input pins. 

