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BQ24031: BQ24031

Part Number: BQ24031
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25180, BQ25155


We use BQ24031 battery charger. Can I get a low battery indication using the charger itself or do I need additional voltage monitoring IC?

Thanks in advance and BR 


  • Hi Joel,

    As the BQ24031 is standalone, it's more restricted in what it can show and so there's no low battery indication. You're correct in that you'll need a voltage monitoring IC.

    If you're able to, the BQ25155 has a built-in ADC that can provide the battery voltage measurement. It is only max 500 mA so if that might be a problem, you can look into the BQ25180 which can provide a battery undervoltage lockout (BUVLO) threshold that can act as a low battery indicator.