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HD3SS3220: HD3SS3220 port controller

Part Number: HD3SS3220

Hi ,

I am designing to use the TI HD3SS3220 USB 3.0 port controller to implement a USB DRP in my board. The predominant use of this DRP will be as the USB host.I have heard that UFPs has this capability to switch ON/OFF the power to the DFP in case of any failure in negotiation 

Will the HD3SS3220 be capable of controlling the power input to the UFP connected (in my case a USB 3.0 flash drive). If yes , how ? which pin of the HD3SS3220 should be made use of to provide this controlled voltage input to the DFP(flash drive)

  • For DFP or DRP, you can use ID pin to control Vbus switch.

    ID pin (pullup) is always high in DFP until an UFP device is detected  , then ID goes low and turn on Vbus switch.

    In UFP, Vbus switch should be always off, you get vbus from USBC connector.

