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LMR34206-Q1: Functional Safety FIT Rate, FMD and Pin FMA for LMR34602-Q1

Part Number: LMR34206-Q1

Hi Experts,

LMR34602-Q1 is under evaluation on customer side. Could you provide Functional Safety FIT Rate, FMD and Pin FMA of LMR34206-Q1? So customer can evaluate the system failure rate. Thanks.

Best Regards

Songzhen Guo

+86 15505131552

  • Hi Songzhen,

    Thank you for posting.  Let me check with our team and get back to you.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Songzhen,

    I get a document which is for the similar family but a higher current device. The failure analysis should be similar due to the design similarity.   I am going to email so you can use it to cover this case for now.  Our team will work on the lower current level option numbers which will be lower

    Best Regards,
