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LM74900Q1EVM: Simulation Error for LM74900 n PSPICE for ti

Part Number: LM74900Q1EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM74910-Q1, LM74900-Q1

hi Ti Team

i am having a similar issue with simulating the LM74900Q1 with PSPICE for Ti.  - Upon downloading PSPICE for Ti, i was not able to fine the test schematic.

i downloaded it from the website link. Upon loading the schematic, it would not run. If i clicked on a symbol, i can see the spice netlist for it. so it seems all was there!.

still Pspice could not find the netlist. so i added include files for all the devices at the top level. these were provided as .lib files from the website in the zip file.

i filed a case with ti Support. .... at this point, here is the error that i receive stil:

======================================== actually here is the output of the execution of a simulation with errors at the end

--------------- INFO(ORPROBE-3209): Simulation Profile: STARTUP-startup ---------------
INFO(ORPROBE-3183): Simulation running...
** Profile: "STARTUP-startup" [ c:\users\roger\documents\0hpvc\12vin\snom778\lm74910-q1_pspice_trans\lm74910-q1_trans-pspicefiles\s
Reading and checking circuit
INFO(ORPSIM-15423): Unable to find index file buk7y4r8-60e.ind for library file buk7y4r8-60e.lib.
INFO(ORPSIM-15422): Making new index file buk7y4r8-60e.ind for library file buk7y4r8-60e.lib.
Making index file for library c:\users\roger\documents\0hpvc\12vin\snom778\lm74910-q1_pspice_trans\buk7y4r8-60e.lib
Please be patient. This may take several minutes...
INFO(ORPSIM-15423): Unable to find index file lm74910_l.ind for library file lm74910_l.lib.
INFO(ORPSIM-15422): Making new index file lm74910_l.ind for library file lm74910_l.lib.
Making index file for library c:\users\roger\documents\0hpvc\12vin\snom778\lm74910-q1_pspice_trans\lm74910_l.lib
Please be patient. This may take several minutes...
INFO(ORPSIM-15423): Unable to find index file lm74910_l.ind for library file lm74910_l.lib.
INFO(ORPSIM-15422): Making new index file lm74910_l.ind for library file lm74910_l.lib.
Making index file for library C:\Users\Roger\Documents\0HPVC\12vIN\snom778\LM74910-Q1_PSPICE_TRANS\lm74910-q1_trans-PSpiceFiles\STARTUP\lm74910_l.lib
Please be patient. This may take several minutes...
INFO(ORPSIM-15423): Unable to find index file buk7y4r8-60e.ind for library file buk7y4r8-60e.lib.
INFO(ORPSIM-15422): Making new index file buk7y4r8-60e.ind for library file buk7y4r8-60e.lib.
Making index file for library C:\Users\Roger\Documents\0HPVC\12vIN\snom778\LM74910-Q1_PSPICE_TRANS\lm74910-q1_trans-PSpiceFiles\STARTUP\buk7y4r8-60e.lib
Please be patient. This may take several minutes...
INFO(ORPSIM-15423): Unable to find index file nom_pspti.ind for library file nom_pspti.lib.
INFO(ORPSIM-15422): Making new index file nom_pspti.ind for library file nom_pspti.lib.
Making index file for library C:\cds_spb_home\cdssetup\pspTILibDir\nom_pspti.lib
Please be patient. This may take several minutes...
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_HGATE_CTRL.U_BUS is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_HGATE_CTRL.U_BUSBAR is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_HGATE_CTRL.U_STL_CLR is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_HGATE_CTRL.U_SCHOTTKY_n_clr_net is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_DGATE_CTRL.U_BUS is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_DGATE_CTRL.U_BUSBAR is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_DGATE_CTRL.U_STL_CLR is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_DGATE_CTRL.U_SCHOTTKY_n_clr_net is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_CP.U_BUS is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_CP.U_BUSBAR is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_CP.U_STL_CLR is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15113): Model IO_STM used by X_U4.X_CP.U_SCHOTTKY_n_clr_net is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit 74AC161 used by X_U4.X_HGATE_CTRL.X_U1000A is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit 74AC161 used by X_U4.X_HGATE_CTRL.X_U1001A is undefined
Circuit has errors ... run aborted
See output file for details
INFO(ORPROBE-3188): Simulation aborted
