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LMR54410: Difference from LMR54010

Part Number: LMR54410
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR50410, LMR51610

Hi support team,

What are the main differences between LMR54010 and LMR54410?
I found below.

LMR54010 LMR54410
VIN  Abs (MAX) 38V 45V
SW to GND less than 10-ns transients  Abs -3.5~38V ?
Output voltage (MIN) 1V  0.8V
FB pin voltage required to trip short-circuit hiccup mode 0.4V 0.325V

Does LMR54410 have a "SW to GND less than 10-ns transients" specification?


  • hi, Dice,

    We remove the description on new released device, but you can understand the negative spike in short time transient is the same as LMR54410 and LMR50410. Notice the max voltage is also change for Vin to 45V, so SW max=Vin max will be good.


  • Hi Elena,
    Thank you for your reply.

    I have understood that the LMR54410's "SW to GND less than 10-ns transients" Abs is "-3.5V to 45V".
    I would like the description to be updated to be similar to other devices.

    Best regards,

  • Hi, Dick,

    Let me explain why we decide to remove this value, -3.5V will be easy misunderstand as a DC -3.5V , that's will be damage to device, and the transient like in 10ns, then how about 11ns, 20ns, 30ns? It's not a very accurate value put is spec. So from now on you can see , for new product we do not put a transient limitation in spec table, and maybe keep a comment mark as [1]. But -0.3V will be there as standard.


  • Hi Elena,
    Thank you for your reply.

    There is a description of "transient" in "ADVANCE INFORMATION" of LMR51610 in PREVIEW.

    Will this description disappear at the official release?
    Negative voltage during switching often occurs, so if you delete the description, I think you will get more questions.

    Best regards,

  • hi, Dice

    Thank you for pointing out, LMR51610 is APL ,still not RTM, looking from now on, they will keep like that -3.5V and with comments. 
