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TPS25830A-Q1: difference between TPS25830A-Q1 and TPS25854-Q1

Part Number: TPS25830A-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25854-Q1,

Hi team

I see in TPS25830A-Q1 DS there is no  DCP Auto Mode description like TPS25854-Q1, but it can support multiple USB charge protocol, which can be seen in DS 10.3.15 USB Specification Overview.

How can it support those protocol at the same time, if it don't have DCP Auto Mode?

Thank you

Best regards


13 Sep

  • Hi Joe,

    The protocols are implemented by handshaking on DP/DM.  830A can handshake with device and source accordingly. It supports CDP charging and data transfer.

    But 854 doesn't support data communication. It's charging only device.