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UCC5870-Q1: UCC5870-Q1

Part Number: UCC5870-Q1

Hi Team,

For the Gate driver UCC5870-Q1 we are planning to use AND Gate (SN74LVC1G08QDCKRQ1).

But when I check VIH(max values) and VIL (min values) which are provided is For Gate driver UCC5870-Q1

Where as for AND Gate the values provide is VIH (min Values) & VIL (Max Values)

What is difference between them as in datasheet you provide for

Gate driver VIH (max values) and VIL (min values) 

AND Gate VIH (min Values) & VIL (Max Values).

Please give clarification on this if this AND gate is not suitable, please provide other suitable, AND gate.

  • Hi Ponnoju, 

    Just to be clear - how are the AND gate and the gate driver related? Are you using the output of the AND gate to drive a gate driver, using the output of the gate driver to drive the AND gate, or something else? 

    If you're using output of the AND gate to drive a gate driver, you should pay attention to the output characteristics of the AND gate (VOH, VOL) and the input characteristics of the gate driver (which you attached here). The gate driver specifies an input-high threshold, and it only specifies the maximum value because it indicates that input voltage above the maximum threshold is guaranteed to be recognized as a logic HIGH. Same thing for the input-low threshold; the gate driver specifies everything below 0.3*VCC1 (the minimum threshold) would be recognized as a logic LOW. 

    If you're using the output of the gate driver (SDO) to drive the AND gate, now the output characteristics of the gate driver and the input characteristics of the AND gate should be looked at. The AND gate datasheet section in your screenshot only has minimum values for logic HIGH and maximum values for logic LOW because they indicate voltage rather than threshold. 

    The two tables you screenshot are essentially conveying the same information but in different wording/format - one talking about the maximum threshold for logic HIGH/minimum threshold for logic LOW, and another talking about the minimum voltage needed for logic HIGH/maximum voltage allowed for logic LOW. 

    Hope this helps and let me know if you have other questions! 

