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LM61495: Differences between LM61495, LM61480, LM62460

Part Number: LM61495
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM62460, LM61480

Hi support team,

Do LM61495, LM61480 and LM62460 have the same MOSFET?

Is it only the current limit that is different?

Is Figure 7-4 data for LM61495?

Is the loop stability adjusted to be stable at each current?
For example, when outputting 6A, is the stability different between the LM61495 and the LM62460?


  • Hello Dice-K,

    The internal FET parameters and EC tables of all devices are the same other than the current limits as shown in the table below

    What is impacted from these different current trims is the internal compensation parameters are slightly different. 

    If the question is can you interchange between LM61495, LM61480 and LM62460, given the same surrounding circuits, and expect the exact same loop response, the answer is no.

    However usually in actual application there is generally a load transient performance requirement that needs to be met which is the primary deciding factor in the amount of output capacitors needed. The slight differences in device internal compensation parameters due to current trim are negligible once we account for this load transient design requirement.

