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LP8764-Q1: Device Access via I2C bus during fault condition

Part Number: LP8764-Q1

While LP8764, we find that when a fault condition occurs, the device is not accessible via the I2C bus. What is the reason for this ? Is there any configuration that needs to be set correctly so that the device is accessible via the I2C bus even during fault conditions ? We are pulling up the I2C bus to the same power rail that is connected to VIO pin. VIO pin is maintatined at the same voltage level before and after the fault condition. It is an always ON 3.3V rail.

  • Hello Bala,

    More information is needed to provide efficient support, so I can replicate your setup and perform troubleshooting:

    • what is the part number of the device ?
    • are you using an EVM and the GUI ?
    • what is the specific fault condition ?
    • did you modify the device configuration ?

    Any additional information you can provide will be helpful.

    Thank you,
