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LP8764-Q1: error of "EEPROM Unlock Failed" when trying to reprogram an LP8764

Part Number: LP8764-Q1

We have an LP8764 part on our board, and we have programmed it with new config files several times with no issues. However, the last time we tried to re-program it, it always gives us error that "EEPROM Unlock Failed". My question is what could lead to this issue? Does this mean that the part is now messed up and if we want to have a part with the new config file, is the only option to replace the part completely? Are there debug steps recommended here to find out what could be wrong with the part?

  • Hello Mahdi,

    • Are you using the same setup since the last time you programmed the device ? Same GUI version for instance ? Did you change the jumpers configuration on the EVM ?
    • Did you by any chance lock the device after you programmed it last time ?
    • What changes did you make to the device configuration last time you programmed it ?
    • Can you read the registers of the device in the Register Map page ?
    • In the Quick-start page, can you read interrupts from the device ?

    Thanks for your feedback,


  • hi Florian,

    1- yes, same setup is used.

    2- no, I didn't lock it, but is there a chance for the GUI to mess it up and lock it without me doing it?

    3-the changes are two things: increasing the ILIM of one of the bucks from 4.5A to 5.5A, and also changing the rev# of the config file from 2 to 3. FYI, the same change was done for 3 other boards, and all are fine.

    4- no, I cannot.

    5-no, I cannot.

  • Hi Mahdi,

    GUI will not do anything without user interaction. So it cannot lock device by itself. 

    Please  check VCCA voltage level. You are sure you have not changed VCCA_PG_SET level to wrong level for example. 

    In normal operation device still works and you are able to communicate to it? Would you readback 0x141 register through Quick-start and advanced tab?

    If readback value is 0x5a device is allowed to be re-configured. 

    Br, Jari