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TPS6594-Q1: PMIC state switching question

Part Number: TPS6594-Q1

Question1:After the ENABLE pin is pulled high, can the state machine enter the MCU_ONLY mode?
Question 2: After entering the standby state, the MCU is off,  the GPIO wake-up pin (GPIO4 is connected to the  WKUP_GPIO0_49 of WAKEUP domain),  How  Can we wake it up through the pin WKUP_GPIO0_49 of TDA4 ?


Question 3: Does the returned value of standby mode can only be active ?

From the datasheet(, we can see that LP_WKUP1 can wake up and return to the ACTIVE state, and LP_WKUP2 can wake up and return to the MCU_ONLY state. If the PMIC is designed and only GPIO4 supports wake-up, in addition to scheduled wake-up, there are other ways to return to the MCU_ONLY state from standby.
从参考资料《Powering Jacinto TM J7 SoC Family For Isolated Power Groups With TPS6594133A-Q1 PMIC and Dual HCPS Converters》文档中看到描述STANDBY返回的唯一目标状态为ACTIVE?

From the 《Powering Jacinto TM J7 SoC Family For Isolated Power Groups With TPS6594133A-Q1 PMIC and Dual HCPS Converters》(6.3), we can see that The ACTIVE state is the only destination state available that the STANDBY state returns to?
Question 4: After switching to the set state machine,how can we ensure the state machine is successful? Is there a register that can provide feedback?

  • Question 1: After the ENABLE pin is pulled high, can the state machine enter the MCU_ONLY mode?

    If a fault happens on a rail in the SOC rail power group during start up, the PMIC will head to MCU_ONLY mode. After the first power up, the PMIC can be told go to go to MCU_ONLY mode using the nSLEEP bits. 

    If you want to the PMIC head to MCU_only mode when it leaves the STANDBY state on the next ENABLE rise, set the STARTUP_DEST=0x2.

    Question 2: After entering the standby state, the GPIO wake-up pin (GPIO4 is connected to WAKEUP domain WKUP_GPIO0_49). How to operate this function to wake up?

    Follow these steps to wake into MCU Only mode using GPIO4:

    1. Mask the nSLEEP bit controls by setting the NSLEEPx_MASK bits in register 0x7D.
    2. Configure GPIO4 to be LP_WKUP1 to head to ACTIVE state or LP_WKUP2 for MCU Only state.
    3. Unmask the GPIO4 rise interrupt
    4. Write 1 to I2C_0 Trigger -> Sends PMIC to standby
    5. Raise GPIO4 -> PMIC will head to mode determined by step 2
    See from the reference document "Powering Jacinto TM J7 SoC Family For Isolated Power Groups With TPS6594133A-Q1 PMIC and Dual HCPS Converters" Description The only target status returned by STANDBY is ACTIVE?

    In the example provided in the user guide, GPIO4 is set as WKUP1. GPIO4 can be configured as WKUP2/LP_WKUP2 after boot. The PMIC will enter MCU Only mode  in this case.

    Question 4: After switching to the set state machine,how can we ensure the state machine is successful? Is there a register that can provide feedback?

    For TPS6594133A, the easiest thing to do is read the state of nRSTOUT and nRSTOUT_SOC. This can be found in register 0x81:

    If both high, then PMIC is in ACTIVE state. If both low, PMIC is in deep sleep / standby / or retention modes. If nRSTOUT = 1 and nRSTOUT_SOC=0, then PMIC is in MCU Only mode.