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TPS65988: Sink FET recommendation

Part Number: TPS65988
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD87501L, TPS65994


I'm designing my own PCB for TPS65988. I want to replace the following circuit block with just one CSD87501L transistor (the same as TPS65994EVM does). 

I just want to know if is there any issue with my new configuration.? Will it work well?


  • Hi Yashodha, 

    The TPS65988 does not have gate driver signal outputs like the TPS65994. The GPIO 3.3V outputs from the TPS65988 to control the external switch will not be able to drive the CSD87501L N-FET. The gate driver outputs from TPS65994 are high voltage signals that are required to control the external FET. You would need to use an external gate driver with the CSD87501L N-FET for TPS65988.

    Since the TPS65988 has integrated internal high voltage source/sink power paths, I recommend using those. These require no additional external path and are 20V 5A rated for source and sink.



  • Hi, 
    Thanks for the information. I'll do so.

    Btw,  how to use the internal power path for sinking. I was unable to find a proper application note for that, could you please recommend an application note or sample schematic, please?


  • Hi,

    The internal power path is fully integrated in the PD controller. You only need two connections, PP_HV1/2 on the system side, and VBUS on the connector side. The PD will manage this path based on the loaded configuration. For schematics, please see the attached EVM schematic for TPS65988.


    I will be out of office next week for Thanksgiving holiday. Please expect a delayed response to additional queries.

