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TPS7H1101A-SP: Prebias Voltage/reverse currents

Part Number: TPS7H1101A-SP


1)Based on previous E2E questions, it looks like the TPS7h101A cannot handle reverse currents/voltages and could get damaged. There is a chance that the power sourcing this regulator will have uncontrolled power downs.

a) Is there a recommended way of protecting against this? Such as a schottkey diode pointing from the output to the input?
b) If the current is very low, perhaps below a specific threshold, could a reverse current be considered safe?

2)Can this regulator handle a pre-bias voltage? If so, how high can that voltage be?

  • Hey Anthony,

    If you are able to put a diode in line with the LDO that can help prevent the reverse current.
    The downside is the output regulation will be poor.
    Unfortunately there is no guidance on what level of reverse current will not cause damage

    A pre-bias voltage will only be viable if it is lower than the input voltage, and the input voltage stays high the entire time the output voltage is high.
    This may or may not work for your situation.
