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BQ40Z50-R1: BQ40Z50-R1 RSOC incorrect issue

Part Number: BQ40Z50-R1


The customer test with BQ40Z50-R1, the problem is after discharging from 68% to 8% and manually stopping it, let it sit for a while and the SOC will rise back to 9%.

The CHEM ID is selected and full learning.

Attached the gg file and log data.



Please help check it.



  • Hi Star,

    After discharging while the battery is relaxing, the jump in the SOC is a natural occurrence for the battery returning to its relaxed state. However, there are settings you can implement to stop this from happening:

    Enabling LOCK0 can assist this.

    Disabling these parameters can assist this as well.


    Anthony Baldino