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TPS61178: About low value bootstrap capacitor

Part Number: TPS61178

Hi team,

Do you have any case information that the boost converter got damage by using low value bootstrap capacitor?

Our customer use 100pF bootstrap capacitor on TPS66178, and the output voltage become about 2V.

The using condition is below.

Vin : 5V

Vout : 14V

Iout : 20mA

I think this is because Hi-side SW become unstable by the bootstrap capacitor was too small and got some damage.

Is this correct?

Best regards,


  • Hi Teritama,

    This is possible.

    The low capacitance can lead to a high driver voltage, which may damage the gate of the inner mos.

    Could you share the schematic and let's have a look if there are other possibilities causing failure?



  • Hi Fergus,

    Thank you for your reply and support. 

    It is enough that I could understand that low capacitor can cause device damage in this device.

    The customer try to use larger capacitor, this issue is resolved.

    Best regards,
