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BQ27Z561EVM-011: How to program BQ27Z561-R2 firmware (Ver. 2.01) to BQ27Z561 (Ver. 0.04)?

Part Number: BQ27Z561EVM-011
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ27Z561, BQ27Z561-R2, EV2400, BQSTUDIO


I used Battery Management Studio and EV2400 to write the latest BQ27Z561-R2 (Ver.2.01) firmware to the old BQ27Z561 (Ver.0.02), but it could not be written.

1.Click Programming.
2.Click the Browse button and select "bq27z561R2_v2_01_build_21.srec".
3.Click the Program button.
4. "Progress Information" window opens, but closes immediately.
5.The Device display does not become "BQ27Z561-R2" and remains "BQ27z561".

However, I was able to rewrite the old BQ27Z561EVM-11 board (with USB connector and microcontroller) using the same procedure.
At that time, I rewritten from the USB connector on the board.

Is there something wrong with the procedure?


  • Hello, 

    I just tried to do this on my EVM and I was able to successfully program the "bq27z561R2_v2_01_build_21.srec" FW onto the gauge using bqStudio and the EV2400. Are you able to communicate to the gauge using bqStudio and the EV2400? What version of bqStudio are you using, and what version is your EV2400? 

