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TPS51200-EP: TPS51200-EP:

Part Number: TPS51200-EP

In datasheet it is written that this IC: Meets DDR and DDR2 JEDEC Specifications. 

What about DDR4 application? does it meet JEDEC spec also?

  • Hi Itai,

    The device expert will get back to you in the next 24 hours.



  • Hi Itai,

    The TPS51200-EP does not meet all the JEDEC specs for DDR4. You would need something like the TPS65296 (LPDDR4) or the TPS65295 in order to meet the DDR4 spec. I believe this has to do with the tighter power sequencing requirements, which the TPS51200-EP does not follow.



  • Hi James,

    Do you mean that TPS51200-EP doesn't follow the DDR4 JEDEC requirement for power sequencing of VTT and VTTREF?

    or because it is not a full DDR4 power solution (only VTT, VTTREF rails without VDD/VDDQ and VPP rails)?

    Can I use TPS51200-EP only for VTT rail and disable VTTREF? 

  • Hi Itai,

    With the holidays here, many device experts are currently out of the office. When they return they will look into this and provide a response. Please expect some delay accordingly.


  • Hi Itai,

    My assessment is mainly based on this section from the TPS65295 datasheet:

    VDDQ and VPP are not explicitly covered by the TPS51200-EP so these JEDEC requirements are not met by the device (not a full power solution). You may be able to integrate the TPS51200-EP into a DDR4 design but I can't claim the IC is fully compliant with DDR4 JEDEC requirements. I believe this is why a DDR4 clause is omitted in the documentation.

    There is no operation mode for the TPS51200-EP that has VTT output (VO) enabled while VTTREF output (REFOUT) is disabled. VO uses REFOUT as a reference for regulation internally. You may be able to disconnect REFOUT from downstream circuitry if the rail is unused but the output will still be active.



  • Thank you James.

    I have additional question regarding the power up sequence of this IC.

    Is it possible to power up VIN (2.5v rail) and VLDOIN,REFIN (both are 1.2v, same rail) at the same time? 



  • Hi Itai,

    This should be fine. If you wait for all inputs to stabilize before pulling EN high, you should still get a controlled VO start-up.

