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TLC59711: chaining 20 boards is causing slow update. Ideas?

Part Number: TLC59711

I have 20 boards chained together and can't seem to get a faster refresh rates than 0.04 seconds. This is just using a simply python script:

import argparse
import board
import busio
import time
import modules.ada_tlc59711 as tlc59711

num_boards = 20
if args.num_boards is not None:
num_boards = int(args.num_boards)

num_pixels = num_boards * 4

spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI)
leds = tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, pixel_count=num_pixels)

avg = 0
delta_count = 0
delta = 0

print("{} - Program Started One LED ON ".format(round(time.time())))
while True:
delta = time.time()
delta_count = delta_count + 1
delta = time.time() - delta
avg = avg + delta
if delta_count >= 100:
print(avg / delta_count)
avg = 0
delta_count = 0
Is this a limitation of the chip after chaining so many? Thanks.