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TPS65218D0: TPS65218D0 - Input Voltage & Programmable Query

Part Number: TPS65218D0
We need two details about the part TPS65218D0.
  1. We are planning to use 3.3V rail as input voltage for all DCDC Step-Down Converters. So Can we generate 3.3V output with the input of 3.3V in any of DCDC convertors ?
  2. Also power up sequence timing settings for DCDC convertors through I2C is one time programmable or need to adjust every time before run? 
Expecting your feedback as soon as possible.
  • Hi Jaya,

    1. The step-down bucks are capable of 100% Duty Cycle so you could use DCDC3 with a 3.3V input and get ~3.3V output (minus losses in the HSFET Rdson and the inductor DCR). If your load current requirement is low enough you could use one of the load switches to pass through the 3.3V which would free up DCDC3 for another application.
    2. Sequence timings can be reprogrammed as the new defaults using the SEQ registers. If you are planning to do custom programming, I recommend using the TPS6521815 version of the PMIC and following Section 8.5 in the datasheet.

