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TPSM63603: 5V implementation shorting out at start up.

Part Number: TPSM63603


We have recently built boards utilizing the TPSM63603 as a 5v and 12v regulator from 24V. Of the initial 10 boards we built, the 5v TPSM63603 has failed on two. In both cases, Vin and Vout are shorted on the chip itself, shorting out the entire board. Is there any protection logic recommended for these modules during power on? We used the data sheet example 8.2.1 for the 5V implementation, excluding the RENT RENB resistors. Vin is connected directly to En/SYNC. Are there any troubleshooting recommendations for the part itself? 


  • One additional note in this implementation, PGND pins were routed to DGNG instead of AGND. The boards power on correctly with the addition of a green wire from AGND to DGNG.

  • Hi Steve,

    Thanks for utilizing our part. I'm unsure of what other protection logic you can utilize, as the modules already come with sequencing capabilities for power-on. 

    I think the first issue is to check if the high-side Mosfet is damaged, as that is the most direct path from input to output. I suspect that the layout may be a likely culprit, since AGND is to be connected to PGND at a single point, and it is the zero voltage reference for the internal references and logic. It is possible that maybe the wire introduced additional inductance that may affect the internal logic. 

    Let me know if you have any other questions. 

