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TPS61080EVM-147: TPS61080 & TPS61081 obsoleted. Why the parts disappeared from TI's website? Any pin-to-pin replacement?

Part Number: TPS61080EVM-147
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61080, TPS61081

Hi all,

recently TI has discontinued both parts that we've been using for years.
Well, I tried to find some replacement using TI's website and parameter search but to my surprise the part JUST DISAPPEARED FROM TI'S WEBSITE !!

Is it a normal practice for TI that discontinued products just disappears? What about supporting the engineers in finding replacement? How one can select proper replacement when the original part's datasheet cannot be found at the MANUFACTURER website?

It is even funnier: to write this post I had to enter part number or reference design, and neither TPS61080 nor TPS61081 are accepted!

Is it a joke?

Sorry for the tone but this is just unacceptable.


  • Just one addition to the comment above.
    You can find TPS61080 & TPS61081 on Digikey website. You can see the OBSOLETE status. There is an icon for datasheet. What happens when you try to open it?
    Well, it refers to the... TI website, and oops, error 404 - NOT FOUND.

    Does TI consider the fact that many third parties uses TI's product page links? Now the links are broken.

    That is exactly the way how it shouldn't be done.

  • Hi AndyP,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    TPS61080/1 encountered some loss, and it was decided to convert the device from catalog to custom.

    The important thing to know: parts are not obsolete. You can still place an order and get them produced and technical support is always there.

    For the new designs, I will recommend another device as an alternative.

    Please connect me if you have more questions.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Fergus,

    thanks for the explanation but to be honest you did not answer my questions.

    First of all, regardless of the fact that TI moved these parts from "catalog" to "custom", that doesn't justifies simple removal from the website. I can't understand which TI policy dictates such move. There are so many ways how to deal with such situation, for example, you can set appropriate status on the part, like "Custom" or "NRND" instead of "Active". You can block access to the order section. You can create a special section on your website with the legacy/custom/etc. parts, so customers like me are not left wondering what the heck is going on.

    You say that these parts can be ordered/produced. But I wonder: what is the MOQ? I assume it is a big number.
    And another question: if they can be ordered, are customers that have access to your store API (like my company) allowed to place an order for these parts from there?

    These parts were produced for so many years and now Texas Instruments acts like it never existed. This is beyond my imagination.
    And beyond any customers support standards.

    So, returning to my questions: why "custom" parts has to disappear from TI website? Especially those parts, that were "catalog" for so many years? Will TI reconsider its policy?

    Second: what is the closest "catalog" part?


  • Hi Andy,

    This related to TI policy, and it will be better to communicate through email.

    Please send email to me and I will loop our team to answer your questions.

    My email address;

    Or you can give me your address we can connect you.

    Best Regards,


  • I think that mostly there is nothing confidential with answering this:

    - why product page has been removed
    - why we can't download latest datasheet
    - MOQ
    - is ordering via TI's Store API possible
    - pin-to-pin or nearest catalog replacement

    The community will benefit if you answer this publicly. I'm not the only one interested here. And that's what the forum is for.

    If, for some reason, there is some information that can't be shared publicly, please send me PM here.

    Thank you,

  • Hi Andy,

    Here is the full history:

    The device's production process in factory meets relatively high fail rate, as a result the factory asks BU to EOL the device.

    After negotiating, we had to reduce production, but we ensure that the device keeps providing for existing customers.

    For these two:

    - why product page has been removed
    - why we can't download latest datasheet

    Sorry, it is designed by leadership, and I feel sorry for this.

    Just feel free to connect us, we will provide all information you want.

    For these two:

    - MOQ
    - is ordering via TI's Store API possible

    There is No MOQ for existing customers and it should be OK to ordering via TI's Store API.

    For the P2P replacement,

    Right now, there is no P2P replacement.

