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UCD8220: Voltage on ILIM pin

Part Number: UCD8220

Hello! I've set test jig (fig. bellow) for UCD8220 to figure out how current limiting works. The problem is: on ILIM pin I get 1V but datasheet for UCD8220 states that ILIM pin should be 0,5V when open. The only load on pin 8 is capacitor and 10:1 1M osciloscope probe. 

  • Hi Dominic,

    ILIM is not open because there is a 100nF cap and +10V applied to VDD pin. 100nF has probably being charged by an internal supply current providing some DC voltage at ILIM pin.

    Thank you

  • Hi Manuel! 

    Thank you for your suggestion. I've removed the capacitor and nothing changed. Voltage at ILIM pin is still 1V while probing with a 1M oscilloscope probe, and also while probing with a 10M voltmeter. 

    However: while a resistor network is connected between ILIM, 3V3 and AGND pins, voltage at ILIM pin is as declared in the datasheet table. 

    At this point I assess that ILIM pin should always be connected to a resistor network due to it's unpredictable behavior. Maybe this issue needs second check and comment in the datasheet?