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LMR14010A: LMR14010A output voltage drooping issue

Part Number: LMR14010A

Hello Sir,

We are designing a 12V/1A with LMR14010A converter.

We tested LMR14010A recently and found that it cannot drive up to 1A. (?)
I noticed that when the output current is drived up to ~0.8A, its output voltage starts drooping.

Please would you give some comments re this problem.

Best regards,

SG Huan

  • Hi SG, 

    Thank you for using our products.  Could you offer some more info?  Is the "12V" in your post output voltage or input voltage? I need to know both your input and output voltages.  Also, could you share your schematic, and also inductor datasheet?  



  • Hi Youhao,

    My schematic is almost the same as TI standard application schematic. Vin=20V, Vout=12V, The wheeling diode I use is rated at 1A.

    Henry asked me to change the diode to 2A rated part and it really fixed my problem now. Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Hi See Guan,

    Thank you for the updates, and glad to hear. Do you mean your issue is resolved now? If so, can we close the thread for now, and you can always reopen it by adding a new post, or post in a new thread.

