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BQ294502: Input Filter Design

Part Number: BQ294502


We're working with the BQ294502 and have a question on the input filter.  

The minimum recommended capacitor value is 0.1uF.  Is this due to an RC time constant with the resistor?

Wondering if we could lower the cap value and increase the resistance value if necessary?  Or is this not an issue?

(perhaps 10nF with 1K or 4.7nF with 2K?)

Thank you, Keith

  • Hi Keith,

    We don't know a firm reason why a smaller cap value won't still work in your system. 

    Reducing the C value reduces the filtering between the cell voltage and the input pins of the device, which risks affecting the accuracy of the OV detection depending on the characteristics of the input signal (for example, does it include significant noise or ripple).

    Your own testing with the typical signal characteristics seen in your application can provide confidence whether the reduced filtering affects the protection accuracy in the application.


    Max Verboncoeur