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TPS2372: Using 4-Pair Ethernet Magnetics to Achieve PoE++ but with a 10/100 MSP432E401Y

Part Number: TPS2372
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP432E401Y


I am currently in the process of designing a board that uses a TPS2372 and external transformer to supply both data and power to a MSP432E401Y microcontroller and supporting devices. I intend to run all 4 Ethernet pairs (8 wires) to an Ethernet port and then to a transformer. I'm extracting out the DC and using the typical Bob-Smith terminations on the Ethernet Port side. On the microcontroller side, I am doing typical the 50Ω pullups and 0.1uF bypass capacitors.

Please see the attached images. They are directly from my design.

My concern is that since I am trying to support PoE++ with this design, I want to be able to use all 8 pairs on the input Ethernet port side and only the 10/100 lines on the microcontroller side. What do I do with the unused data pairs on the microcontroller side? I've read in a few places it might not be a good idea to leave them unterminated so how should I go about handling it?

Thank you! Also, please let me know if you see anything wrong with my application so far.
