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BQ78350: SHA-1 how achieve authentication

Part Number: BQ78350


I try to use the SHA-1 authentication but it is not easy !

In the datasheet of the BQ78350 I can read :

- Generate SHA-1 input block B1 of 512 bytes (total input = 128-bit authentication key KD + 160-bit message M + 1 + 159 0s + 100100000).

- To complete the 512-bit block ... followed by 159 0s, followed by the 64 bit value for 288 (000...00100100000)

The two sentences contradict each other.

I try :

The challange : B8D3AA2082FED1F07CA78E26C7DE10CAA32CC8
The BQ78350 anwer : EDAFFC1ACA0E75A23A25E13E205E9521606FB4
I haven't changed the key so I think the key is : 0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210
Can you explain to me all the steps to achieve the result?