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BQ25798: BQ25798 fast charge timmer issue

Part Number: BQ25798

HI Ti team

              Will the BQ25798 automatically stop charging after the BQ25798 is triggered to the fast charging timer? Or the MCU that controls the BQ25798 needs to send instructions to stop charging

  • Hello,

    The BQ25798 should not need a MCU for charge termination.

    Best Regards,


  • BQ25798-REGISTER.txt
    * Created: Fri Apr 05 10:28:21 CST 2024
    * Format: Register Name  tab Character,\t  Register Address  tab Character,\t  Hexadecimal register value.
    * BQZ Container: Charger_2_00-bq25798.bqz
    REG00	00	0E
    REG01	01	41A
    REG03	03	12C
    REG05	05	88
    REG06	06	12C
    REG08	08	43
    REG09	09	01
    REG0A	0A	A8
    REG0B	0B	DC
    REG0D	0D	03
    REG0E	0E	38
    REG0F	0F	E2
    REG10	10	50
    REG11	11	78
    REG12	12	08
    REG13	13	21
    REG14	14	86
    REG15	15	AA
    REG16	16	C0
    REG17	17	02
    REG18	18	3B
    REG19	19	32
    REG1B	1B	00
    REG1C	1C	00
    REG1D	1D	01
    REG1E	1E	00
    REG1F	1F	00
    REG20	20	00
    REG21	21	00
    REG22	22	00
    REG23	23	00
    REG24	24	00
    REG25	25	00
    REG26	26	00
    REG27	27	00
    REG28	28	FF
    REG29	29	47
    REG2A	2A	7F
    REG2B	2B	1F
    REG2C	2C	00
    REG2D	2D	00
    REG2E	2E	A0
    REG2F	2F	00
    REG30	30	00
    REG31	31	00
    REG33	33	00
    REG35	35	00
    REG37	37	00
    REG37	39	00
    REG3B	3B	2454
    REG3D	3D	247C
    REG3F	3F	24C
    REG41	41	38
    REG43	43	CE3
    REG45	45	CEA
    REG47	47	00
    REG48	48	19

    HI TI team

         Attached is the register configuration file of my BQ25798 and the data of BQ25798 LOG. After charging for more than 15h, the charging does not stop, and the fast charge timmer does not work. Please help check why the fast charge timmer does not work

  • Hello,

    Can you run a test by increasing termination current to 320mA, to see if this resolves the issue?

    I think the low termination current might be the issue:

    Best Regards,
