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LM25148-Q1: VCC voltage at minimum operating VIN

Part Number: LM25148-Q1


What is the VCC voltage at minimum operating voltage of VIN, 3.5V?

Best Regards, Taki

  • Hi Taki-san,

    VCC rising threshold is 3V min.

    Its UVLO hysteresis is 120mV, nominally.

    VCC could fall as low as 2.8V before it shuts down.

  • Hi Beck-san,
    Thank you for your reply, but I want to know is VCC voltage when VIN is 3.5V which is minimum voltage of VIN.
    I think that the regulation target voltage of VCC is 5V and the power source is VIN, so that VCC should be 5V if VIN is enough high and VCC should be slightly lower than 3.5V if VIN is 3.5V.  What is the VCC voltage when VIN is 3.5V?

    The background of this question is described in below.
    My customer want to estimate external FET's Rdson in hi-side and Lo-side.  To estimate it, customer need LO pin's high level voltage and HO pin's.  The voltage at high state in both pin should be VCC.  That's the background of this question.

    Best Regards, Taki  

  • Hi Taki-san,

    I am sorry for my misundersanding. Thank you for your for your further explanation.

    It makes sense that the customer would want to calculate the switching losses based on actual Vin voltage when the device begins to switch ( min Vin).

    I will see if we can get you a curve that shows VCC voltage from Vin min to Vin (VCC = 5V)

  • Hi Taki-san,

    Please find the curve below

  • Hi Beck-san,
    That's it!  Thank you.

    I understood the behavior as described in below.
       "VCC voltage level is as same as VIN when VIN is lower than regulation target voltage of VCC."

    Based on your answer, I can explain the customer the behavior of VCC regulator with showing the description in above and the graph.

    I also noticed that VCC is about 0.05V higher than VIN in the graph even though VCC is regulated from VIN.  I expect that the data in the graph may include some measurement error or some reason of the higher VCC.  Could you provide VCC output voltage at VCC=3.5V and (load current of VCC) = 100mA, if you have?
    Where, I choose 100mA based on the condition for  VHO_HIGH or VLO_HIGH in electrical characteristics of the datasheet.  If you have any load current condition for this, PLS use it.

    Best Regards, Taki 

  • Hi Taki,

    You are welcome.

    Yes I would say Vin is very close to Vcc.

    I don't have any data with an external load on Vcc.

    I would just use this value as it should be very close to the actual and good for your calculation.