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TPS7H1101A-SP: Difference between TPS7H1101-SP and TPS7H1101A-SP

Part Number: TPS7H1101A-SP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7H1101-SP,


Could you please tell us what is different between TPS7H1101-SP and TPS7H1101A-SP?

Thank you.


  • Hi JH,

    These parts are extremely similar and share the same SMD. In the SMD, the TPS7H1101-SP is Device 01 and the TPS7H1101A-SP is Device 02. The vast majority of specs in this document apply to both Device 01 and 02, but any spec that only lists one of the Devices will only apply to that device. You can use this document to see what is the same and what is different.

    If you need to choose between these parts, I would recommend the TPS7H1101A-SP since the TPS7H1101-SP has the "Not Recommended for New Designs" status.

