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TLV702: Abnormal output voltage

Part Number: TLV702
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TEST2, LSF0102

Dear TI Engineer,

We used TLV70215DBVR to connect LSF0102DCUR in one of our projects, and the schematic diagram is as follows:

When pulled to 1P5V_GEN on MDC and MDIO, the voltage of 1P5V_GEN will be raised to 2.6V. NET-MDC_1V5 and NET-MDIO1V5 were pulled up to 1P5V_GEN through R371(330 ohms, already removed) and R370(1.5K). However, the actual measurement showed that 1P5V_GEN became 2.6V.

But if the pull-up voltage is changed to DVDD-RG_1.5V output by RTL8111FS PIN29, then the output 1.5V level is normal.

Can you help to analyze the cause of this problem?


Kind Regards

  • Hi Lumina, 

    When you measure TLV702 output voltage at 1.5V_TEST2, is the device properly regulating 1.5V?

    Could you help me understand your sequencing here? My current understanding is TLV702 and LSF0102 both regulate 3.3V to 1.5V, and the 1.5V rails go to the RTL811 part. Is this correct?

