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Chemistry Li-Ion = 4.2V/cell |
Cell Counts | Desired Cell Voltage |
FB Bot E192 Resistor FB Top = 249KΩ |
Voltage with FB=1.536V | FB Voltage adjusted to get the battery voltage exact |
Li-Ion | 1S | 4.2V | 143kΩ | 4.21V | 1.532V |
LiFePO₄ | 4S | 14.8V | 29.8kΩ | 14.38V | 1.538V |
Li-Ion | 4S | 16.4V | 25.8kΩ | 16.38V | 1.538V |
LiFePO₄ | 8S | 28.8 | 14kΩ | 28.92V | 1.53V |
Li-Ion | 7S | 29.4V | 13.8kΩ | 29.32V | 1.54V |
Li-Ion | 10S | 42V | 9.53kΩ | 41.81V | 1.542V |
Li-Ion | 15S | 63V | 6.26kΩ | 62.96V | 1.536V |
LiFePO₄ | 16S | 57.6V | 6.9kΩ | 57.6V | 1.546 |
Thanks for working with this series of parts. If you have any more questions about these parts, let us know by asking a new E2E question.
Best Regards,
Ethan Galloway