In LMR51610 datasheet, there are only a typical number of Rdson.
Do we have other material to estimate the Rdson of LMR51610? What is the relationship between Vin, temperature and Rdson?
Thank you,
Yishan Chen.
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In LMR51610 datasheet, there are only a typical number of Rdson.
Do we have other material to estimate the Rdson of LMR51610? What is the relationship between Vin, temperature and Rdson?
Thank you,
Yishan Chen.
Hi Yishan,
Based on our ATE characterization data, the range for both HS and LS FET is -35% to +78% from typical value over temp.
Hi Yishan,
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Hi Ben,
Do we have the range of Rdson between different parts in room temperature?
Thank you
Yishan Chen