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SN75462: ICCH and ICCL specification verification

Part Number: SN75462


1 ) Since SN75462PE4 is a dual driver, I would like to know if the IccH and IccL specification provided in the datasheets ( page 4) is per circuit or for the whole device ( both circuits). 

2) Where can I download the spice model for SN75462PE4 ?

Thank you,

  • Hello, 

    Allow me to address your questions below:

    1. Based on the datasheet, the ICCH and ICCL specifications are for the whole device (both circuits) 
    2. Due to the age of the part, simulation resources are going to be limited. We do not have a spice model for the SN75462PE4. Please refer to the datasheet for expected behaviors. For a more recent device, I would check out the ULN2003A which is a 7 channel low side switch to see if that achieves your feature set. 

    Best Regards, 
