BQ25120F3A: BQ25120F3A MRn Reset timing not matching as per datasheet

Part Number: BQ25120F3A


Hi , 

I am  using   BQ25120F3A in my custom board.  It seems , MRn Reset timing not matching as per datasheet  . 

As per datasheet, #RESET is goes low when MR is held low for longer than tRESET, which is configurable by the MRRESET registers. We have configured   tRESET = 5 Seconds.  (B4 and B3 bits of register   0x08h is  00). 

But once probed with Oscilloscope, #RESET is goes low  at 3.97s instead of 5S. 

Please check and let us know what may the issue. 


Sudheer G