TPS653852A-Q1: SPI response is always 0

Part Number: TPS653852A-Q1


Hi TI Experts,

SPI clock is 4MHz.

I find something odd while initializing TI TPS653852A-Q1 PMIC.
No matter what SPI command sending from MCU to PMIC, PMIC responds (0x90 0x00 0x06)

0x90 should be “Device Status Bits”.
0x00 should be SPI Data.
0x06 should be SPI CRC.

Even after sending DEV_ID (0x06) from MCU to PMIC, PMIC still responds (0x90 0x00 0x06).
Please kindly guide me how to fix this issue.


Best regards,

  • Hi TI Experts,

    For your further information, one waveform is attached for your reference.
    In this example, MCU sends (0xA3 0xFF 0x03) to PMIC.

    CMD is RD_SAFETY_STAT_3 (0xA3)
    DATA is 0xFF.
    CRC is 0x03.

    Then, PMIC responds (0x90 0x00 0x06) to MCU.

    Device Status is 0x90.
    Data is 0x00.
    CRC is 0x06.

    PMIC always responds (0x90 0x00 0x06) no matter what SPI command it receives from MCU.
    Please kindly advise.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Wesley,

    This is an NDA device. I can't post help on the public forums. You need to get with your local TI representative and have them post this on the internal forums or have them email me. 


    Michael Hernandez