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TPSM82823AEVM-127: Could you help to check which function has issue in TPSM82823 with below abnormal phenomenon.

Part Number: TPSM82823AEVM-127


Hi team,

The customer evaluates TPSM82823A-EVM but found that when power on in 3.3V->1.8V,3A condition, the output has been dropped down as below. But they can power on the devices with output 1.8V, 1.5A. The devices works well then they can add the load to 3A. We almost make sure this device has some issue. But still want to know more about which function may has issue in this device. thanks in advance.

  • Hello Hale,

    could you please provide more details on the observed output voltage drop? A oscilloscope picture of the power-up waveform (Vin, Vout, Iload) would be helpful.

    Do you know more details on the connected load? Is the load pure resistive or does it cause a high inrush current?

    Is the Vin power supply stable and capable to supply the 3A?

    Would it be possible to check another EVM?

    Please let me know your feedback.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Andreas,

    I have below waveform the customers. Load is E-load. Blue is Vin and Yellow is Vout. I also try to verify the abnormal EVM. The output is also abnormal when I test it in field team LAB. Usually we use CC mode but I also use a new EVM to verify and it works well. So I almost make sure the issue is from the devices. But the issue is why it can still work in low load but works abnormally in high load.  

  • Hello Hale,

    the Vout signal is indeed looking abnormal. Did you measure Vin and Vout at the EVM sense connections?

    If so then you could check the soldering of the module and re-solder if needed.

    You could also try to use a resistive load instead of an E-load.

    If this all does not help then maybe the EVM has been damaged somehow. I think it is not necessary to perform deeper failure analysis. I would suggest to just give a new EVM as a replacement to the customer.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,
