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BQ24650EVM-639: BQ24650EVM-639 MPPT Voltage Setting Confusion

Part Number: BQ24650EVM-639
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM61495RPHEVM, BQ24650, BQ25756E



I am choosing the BQ24650EVM kit for charging LiFePO4 lithium-ion phosphate ANR26650M1 batteries. The battery pack connected to the BQ24650EVM, VOUT is 10.8V, composed of three 'ANR26650M1' cells in series, each with a maximum charging voltage of 3.6V and a capacity of 2.5Ah. The total battery bank capacity is 10.8V and 2.5Ah.

I have two different input sources from the truck (automotive) coming, where I want to use this charger. We have two types of trucks: Truck 1 with an input voltage range of 11V to 14V maximum, and Truck 2 with an input voltage range of 24V to 28V maximum. This BQ24650 charger should be compatible with both types of trucks. We aim to design a single hardware solution that can connect to any truck without needing separate designs for 12V and 24V systems. The charging requirements for the battery bank will be the same for both trucks. On the Vsystem of the BQ24650 connector, I have connected a TI: LM61495RPHEVM Buck converter (5V-10A) to run my load (5V-6A-30W). I want to connect my load directly to the output Vsystem of the BQ24650. When the truck power is available (ignition on), the load should run on truck input power. I have reviewed the BQ24650EVM kit circuit, which implements power ORing to manage the source for the load (Vsystem). This means the load will initially run on truck power when available and switch to battery power when truck power is off.

I have set the battery output voltage to 10.8V to charge my LiFePO4 batteries, with a maximum charging current of 8A for the battery pack. I plan to make the following changes to the BQ24650EVM kit to achieve my desired results: change R6 to 5mOhms and use a 3.3uH inductor (L1).

I am confused about what MPPT voltage to set because of the two different input conditions (11V to 14V and 24V to 28V). The datasheet mentions that the charger will turn on only when the selected VOUT battery bank voltage plus 1V is reached. For my selected battery pack voltage of 10.8V, the charger will turn on at 11.8V, which is fine. However, I am unsure what MPPT voltage to set for both conditions. I plan to choose an MPPT voltage of 12.0V for both input ranges (11V to 14V and 24V to 28V). The MPPT will try to achieve maximum power tracking (12.0V), and the battery pack will charge at 10.8V and 8A, reducing the charging current as the batteries reach full charge.

I plan to change the following components of the kit to charge my battery pack without issues:
* R6 = 5mOhms
* L1 = 3.3uH (IHLP2525EZER3R3M01) (Current Rating Amps= 8A, Tolerance= ±20%, Isat=8A)
* R13 = 499kOhms
* R15 = 120kOhms to achieve 10.8V for the battery pack
* For MPPTSET: R17 = 499kOhms and R19 55kOhms to achieve 12.0V

* C7 and C8 both 22 µF ±10% 25V Ceramic Capacitor X7R 1210

Question-1:Could you please confirm, the above selected values are suitable for MPPTSET and VOUT, or should I consider other values? Also, will the charging current automatically reduce as the batteries fully charged?
Question-2: Since my circuit has 3 batteries of 3.6V, the final bank voltage will be 10.8V. I have added a battery balancer circuit so each cell is charged efficiently. Is this the correct approach?
Question-3: What MMPT Voltages should I set for both cases (12v and 24v)
Since the BQ24650 uses a buck topology, is it possible for my charger to start charging when the input is 11V or greater, given that the Vout (battery bank) is 10.8V maximum?
Question-5: If the BQ24650 is designed to start charging or kit turn on at 11.8V (10.8V + 1V), what changes should I make to allow it to start charging at 11V?
Question-6: The maximum battery pack voltage is 10.8V, but the resistor combination (499k and 120k) results in a maximum of 10.83V. Is this acceptable, or should the resistors be adjusted to achieve exactly 10.80V? 
Question-7: To maintain stability according to datasheet section 8.3.19, the best stability occurs when the LC resonant frequency, fo, is approximately 12 kHz – 17 kHz. I am planning to connect two 22uF capacitors in parallel, C7 and C8, resulting in a final capacitance of 44uF. This yields a fo of 13.20 kHz, which meets the stability criteria. Is this approach correct?

Thank you.

  • Hello Muhammad,

    Question-1:Could you please confirm, the above selected values are suitable for MPPTSET and VOUT, or should I consider other values? Also, will the charging current automatically reduce as the batteries fully charged?

    I don't see any obvious issue with the MPPSET voltage, The Vout value might not work because of the battery voltage being close to the input voltage 11V/10.8V. 

    Yes, The charge current shoud reduce when when reaching fully charged battery voltage.

    Question-2: Since my circuit has 3 batteries of 3.6V, the final bank voltage will be 10.8V. I have added a battery balancer circuit so each cell is charged efficiently. Is this the correct approach?

    Yes, I recommend using a battery monitor for cell balancing.

    Question-4: Since the BQ24650 uses a buck topology, is it possible for my charger to start charging when the input is 11V or greater, given that the Vout (battery bank) is 10.8V maximum?
    Question-5: If the BQ24650 is designed to start charging or kit turn on at 11.8V (10.8V + 1V), what changes should I make to allow it to start charging at 11V?

    TI recommends an input voltage of at least 1.5 V to 2 V higher than the battery voltage, taking into consideration the DC losses in the high-side FET (Rdson), inductor (DCR), and input sense resistor (between ACP and ACN), the body diode drop of RBFET between VCC and input power supply, and battery sense resistor (between SRP and SRN). I don't think it's possible to start charging at 11V. It might be a better idea to use a buck-bost topology such as the BQ25756E.

    Question-6: The maximum battery pack voltage is 10.8V, but the resistor combination (499k and 120k) results in a maximum of 10.83V. Is this acceptable, or should the resistors be adjusted to achieve exactly 10.80V? 

    I recommend changing the resistors to achieve 10.80V or slightly below 10.8V.

    Question-7: To maintain stability according to datasheet section 8.3.19, the best stability occurs when the LC resonant frequency, fo, is approximately 12 kHz – 17 kHz. I am planning to connect two 22uF capacitors in parallel, C7 and C8, resulting in a final capacitance of 44uF. This yields a fo of 13.20 kHz, which meets the stability criteria. Is this approach correct?

    Yes,This is correct.

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks for the reply, Christian Moyer.

    Actually, I can't purchase the kit you suggested due to cost issues. I have gone through the BQ24650EVM datasheet, page 3/21, under the 1.5 Recommended Operating Conditions section, and it clearly mentions that to turn on the charger, the VIN voltage should be at least one volt higher than the battery pack's maximum voltage. This means if my battery bank voltage is 10V, to turn on the kit we require at least 11V. Since the PDS1040 diode is used, which has a forward voltage of 510mV, we need at least 1.5V above the battery voltage to turn on the kit. Therefore, I am considering changing the battery bank voltage to 10V instead of 10.8V.

    I am using LiFePo4 ANR26650M1B cells, which have nominal voltages of 3.2V and maximum charging voltages of 3.6V. So, I am planning to charge the cells at 10V, with each cell at 3.3V. This way, I will be able to turn on the kit at a minimum of 11.5V. When the truck is started, the truck battery starts charging, and its voltage increases from a low voltage to a nominal voltage of 12V, with a maximum voltage of 14.2V.

    Question: Is my approach correct?