TPS659037: Why the voltage of SMPS12 of TPS6590379ZWSR fluctuates?

Part Number: TPS659037
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM5728


I use a TPS6590379ZWSR with AM5728.

The SMPS1 and SMPS2 are connected parallely as the datasheet.

I found the output voltage of  SMPS12 fluctuates after system starts up.
Refer to the following figure. (Yellow : SMPS1_SW   Green : SMPS2_SW  Pink : SMPS12 voltage)

Only the SW2 sometimes stop after the system starts up.
I don't know that's why the SMPS12 (VDD_MPU) fluctuates but the VDD_MPU isn't stable.

But I can use the system with no problem.
Is this phenomenon correct?