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Hi all,

I have a problem with TPS780300250. I am using it in order to power an MSP430FW427.

When I use the LDO, with an input voltage of 3.6V  the current absorpted is 7 mA and the output voltage is fine, 3V. But the current absorption sound strange to me.

So I have powered the board bypassing the LDO and the current absorpted is 50 nA as expected!!.

I try to change the Filter caps but nothing change....

The package is a SON-6. I have not solder the Thermal pad. Maybe this cause the abnormal current absorption? or Maybe it can depends on bad soldering?

Thank you in advance for your aswers.

Best regars




  • Oscar,

    The TPS780300250 is specified to have a approximate quiescent current of 500nA if it is supplying 0mA. It can be somewhat lower depending on the setup of the IC (see GND current charts on page 6 and 7 of the datasheet), but it will be greater than be 50nA.

    Where are you measuring the input current?

    The 7mA you are seeing is much higher than expected seeing that you are powering the MSP430FW427. What is the current consumption of the MSP430 when you are measuring 7mA? The LDO input current will be the same as the MSP430's current consumption plus the LDO's Iq.

    Is the current consumption 7mA even if the MSP430 is not active?

    The Thermal Pad connection is used for thermal conduction only and will not cause excessive current consumption. Bad solder joints could cause this, but this seems excessive considering the IC is regulating the voltage properly.  Have you re-soldered the IC to make sure all of the connections are correct?

    Have you seen this on more than 1 chip?

    Richard Elmquist